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Month: July 2023

Hello. I’m Jack

Hello to whoever finds this website.

My name is Jack. Jack Reynolds. And I’m an author.

I am in the process of writing/editing my first novel in the Shay Lark series (website).

This website, however, is for all things Jack. Again, that’s me.

I write more than just novels. I’ve done a lot of writing in terms of Dungeons and Dragons style stories. I’ve also crafted short fiction stories along the lines of fantasy/sci-fi. I may post some. I may not. I’ll have to see if any are good enough to be read.

But for now, this is where I am. Again, I’m Jack. Jack Reynolds.

July Update!

So, it\’s been a few minutes (or hours or days…) since I last updated everyone on the progress of the book. Well, it\’s coming along fantastically! New characters. New twists and turns. And everything else you\’d expect from an adventurer in Mexico.

Along the way, our fearless heroine Shay comes across many locations throughout Mexico. Those places actually exist as the story is set in the real world. So you can go and visit them, read about them, and even be immersed in the culture. The world is your oyster!

If you\’re interested, the book page is updated to provide links to those locations. You can find it here.

As always, I\’m chugging along with everything and will hopefully be providing you, my anxious readers, an update that gives more details. In the meantime, if you haven\’t, join the Facebook page and you\’ll stay up to date on items surrounding the book. There are almost 1000 followers, so if you haven\’t joined, hop in line!