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Wow! So long ago…

It\’s been quite a while since my last blog entry, but so many things are happening!

I\’m in the middle of extensive rewrites, some of which are changing the direction of a few characters and adding some new ones. They\’re welcomed additions that make the story even better than the original idea. But with that comes the time to fully develop them and integrate their stories into the overarching story of Shay Lark. However, the wait is going to be well worth it!

Our social media presence is growing rapidly as well! The Shay Lark Series Facebook page is racking up the likes and the word is getting out in anticipation of the pending release (in a few months most likely). It takes quite a while to make all the changes and edits, but again, I am enjoying the story even more with these additions!

So, keep checking back and I\’ll put some Easter Eggs around in the blog post that will lead to something cool! I won\’t give it away yet, but it\’ll be a great way to get the Shay Lark series out amongst even more readers.

Again, thanks y\’all for your patience! Good things lie ahead.


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